Friday, September 19, 2008

Homecooked food

Our attempt at cooking seafood pasta. I bought prawns and scallops from the supermarket, and we mixed it in with the pasta sauce.

Our stove. See how white it is! That's one of my hobbies in Boston - polishing the stove at home. Other hobbies include boiling water, scrubbing the pans, doing laundry etc.

The spread. Veggies are important if we don't want to get fat.

And randomly, our dishwasher works! It really damn good. The dishes are clean and dry, and hot from the steam used to wash them. Its so good that Kox wanna use it to wash his clothes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hor! I go tell ma then u know... u don't do housework at home then now say ur hobbies in Boston include polishing stove and doing laundry!

At least I am consistent!